Every astute cat owner knows cats are curious about everything which can get them into a lot of trouble! Cat in a tree; cat jumping onto a hot stove; cat getting into a tight space―just to name a few. But, by the same token, they are amazing escape artists. Many cats have a natural inclination to roam beyond the boundaries of their owners property to explore the surrounding environment.
It's important to understand that cats don't roam because they don't like the company of their owners; They roam because their natural instincts tell them that there may be interesting objects & scenarios to discover nearby. It's understandable even from a human point of view, why would a cat stay within the confines of their yard when it is so easy for them to scale the wall & make a quick exit to explore new surrounds?
Although we like to think our cats are intelligent enough to avoid danger whilst roaming, unfortunately most cats lack the foresight & awareness to stay completely out of harms way. Cats that roam freely can also become a significant nuisance to the community by using the neighbours gardens & yards as a bathroom, digging up plants, killing wild birds & small animals, & if they are not spayed or neutered, by reproducing and often leaving kittens that end up in shelters
It's a misconception that cats NEED to roam to be happy. Cats are generally highly adaptable to changes in their environment & can adjust well to being contained to their own garden. You can make your garden an enriching environment for your cat by adding objects your cat can explore & utilise such as a cat scratcher, a cat tree, a tree stump, cat grass, & a nice comfortable bed.
~ vehicle accidents
~ dog attacks
~ cat fights
~ catching infectious diseases from other felines
~ injury inflicted by 'cat hating' neighbours
~ consuming poisons
~ getting lost or 'cat-napped'
~ impoundment by the Municipality
~ becoming stuck up a tree, in a shed, garage, drain etc.
Oscillot® was invented by South Australian by filmmaker, Paul Bok, in 2006. Paul noticed an obvious lack of options for cat owners to keep their beloved feline friends safe at home. The only options on the market at the time appeared to be either cages or netting... & let's face it, who wants to turn their yard into a prison! After extensive research & development, Oscillot® was born, right here in Australia!
Cats can typically jump at least six times their own height, which makes it easy for most cats to scale & escape the average garden wall. Cats use a jump-grab-climb action to scale walls... Oscillot® is designed to safely & effectively counteract this technique by preventing the 'grab'.
Oscillot® consists of a series of four-bladed aluminium paddles, which are mounted along wall lines between post kits containing bearings. When a cat tries to jump & scale the wall, they place a paw on the paddle, which then spins; the cat cannot get traction & falls safely back to the ground. Once Oscillot® is installed, the inability for the cat to gain any leverage on top of the wall means escaping over it is no longer an option.
Oscillot® is fast-becoming the first choice for cat owners in the Middle East & across the world, because there are no wires, no cages & no netting, it is cat friendly, unobtrusive & can turn most walls into cat proof walls within just a few hours.
With most gardens, installing Oscillot® alone results in successful cat containment. Keeping in mind, if there are trees, or other ladders or platforms next to the wall, these may need to be 'cat-proofed' also so they cannot be used to aid in an escape. For Oscillot® to be most effective, the cat needs to be jumping from the ground to the top of the wall in a single motion with no help or anything to climb on the way up!
Oscillot® is perfectly suited to metal fences; the Stratco Good Neighbour fence is perfect for installation of this system because of its clean lines & the absence of posts & rails. Oscillot® can also be installed onto other types of fence including Colorbond, Post & Rail, Timber/ Wooden, Masonry, Vinyl, Super 6 and Composite Fencing.
For Oscillot® to be most effective, we recommend that it is installed to fences with a minimum height of 1.80 metres (6" foot). This recommendation is made because this is the height at which the system has been tested & proven to be effective. For fence heights lower than 1.80 metres, the concern is that a cat could scale up the fence whilst still maintaining enough composure & steady momentum to place a paw under or over the top of the Paddles & get enough of a grip on the fence to scurry over.